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Gårdsjö Moose Park

About us:

Gårdsjö Moose Park offers visitors an amazing and unforgettable experience, with tours allowing you to meet moose outdoors in their natural environments. You get to learn a lot about moose and how they live, both in the wild and here in the park. The moose, who are used to visitors, love to get up close and inspect their guests. Sometimes they come so close that you can touch them! They are large, powerful animals and it is a really special experience to meet them. Our moose tours depart at the appointed time. It is important that you arrive well in advance because the tours unfortunately cannot wait. Check in at the reception when you arrive. You will then get into the wagons and head out in a group together with Leffe, the Moose Man himself. The tour is outdoors and takes about an hour. Anyone who wants to join the tour is welcome. We have adapted the tours to accommodate children, seniors and disabled persons. The tours are always given in Swedish and English. We do one tour a day at 11:00 am. Even if you have prebooked online, you need to arrive at least 30 minutes before the tour to keep your booked place. If you arrive without booking in advance, it is a good idea to arrive well before the tour to secure a spot. If you are unsure, call beforehand or check the website.


  • Fri parkering
  • Fri wifi
  • Tillgänglighet
  • Address:Gårdsjö 127, SE 744 91 Heby
  • Tel:+46 70 353 6060

Moose Tour at Gårdsjö Moose Park

10.00-13.00 Visning 11.00
Gårdsjö, Vansjö
Upp till 120 personer
+46 70 353 6060 Available

Rent a cottage in Östa stugby

Sön-sön, juni-aug
Östa, Tärnsjö
Max 6 personer
+46 70 353 6060 Available

Children’s Bison Park, Avesta

10:00-16:30, 21/5-17/9 (ej midsommarafton)
Avesta Visentpark, Stubbsveden
+46 70 353 6060 Available

Room with breakfast, Kolarbo Gård

Året runt öppet
Kolarbo Gård, Fors
1-14 personer
+46 70 353 6060 Available

City walk through Sala Silver City

Maj-september samt året om för grupper.
Stora torget, Sala
Max 10 personer, från 7 år
+46 70 353 6060 Available