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About us:

Welcome to Domarbo outside Strömsbergs Bruk and our unique museum, where you can take a nostalgic journey through the past century. The museum exhibits include everything from gas stations to cookie tins and cars. You can buy a cone filled with candy over the counter, just like they did in granddad’s time. Take a journey back in time and experience the allure of the past! Welcome to the Nostalgia Museum! Visit our website for opening hours, news and more information.


  • Fri parkering
  • Kulturutbud
  • Tillgänglighet
  • Address:Domarbovägen 104, Strömsbergs Bruk, SE 815 96 Tierp
  • Tel:+46 70 651 5015

Events at the Nostalgia Museum

Domarbo, Strömsbergs Bruk
4 - 50 personer
+46 70 651 5015 Available

Tour of Nostalgia Museum, Strömsbergs Bruk

Maj-aug, 11-16, fre-sön, ej midsommar. Övr tid enl ök
Domarbo, Strömsbergs Bruk
+46 70 651 5015 Available